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That's It
365 Tage Desinfektion
Wirksam gegen Bakterien, Viren, Schimmel, Pilze, Algen und Hefen
Hohe Wirksamkeit
Bis zu 99,999% Reduktion
Beschichtungspflege mit milden Reinigern statt starker Desinfektionsmittel
BioBlocX™'s patented antiviral technology redefines the FFP2 and FFP3 standard to provide security for hospitals, nursing homes, doctors, social institutions, occupational safety and leisure areas. The products are certified and tested. The comfortable respirators disable (kill) 99.9% of viruses in less than five minutes by disinfecting themselves.
Effective against bacteria, viruses, mold, fungus, algae and yeast
365 days disinfection
Zeit- und Kostenersparnis durch minimierten Einsatz von Ressourcen
High effectiveness
Up to 99.999% reduction
that's it
Schließt die Desinfektionskette
Infrared induction shelf
Modular system for quick disassembly and intelligent infrared induction. A smarter shelf for better serving.
Infrared induction shelf
Modular system for quick disassembly and intelligent infrared induction. A smarter shelf for better serving.
Environmentally friendly
Umweltfreundlich und Nachhaltig
Infrared induction shelf
Modular system for quick disassembly and intelligent infrared induction. A smarter shelf for better serving.
Infrared induction shelf
Modular system for quick disassembly and intelligent infrared induction. A smarter shelf for better serving.
Experience & Competence
Dermatologisch getestet
Infrared induction shelf
Modular system for quick disassembly and intelligent infrared induction. A smarter shelf for better serving.
Infrared induction shelf
Modular system for quick disassembly and intelligent infrared induction. A smarter shelf for better serving.
cost saving
that's it
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